She is beautiful and good heart designer. She has graduated at ESMOD fashion school and Vocational High School in Fashion Major.
When I met her, I truly happy because she nice and kind. We take a picture together.
With my fav designer ^^, she's very tall >< |
Her label going international, she has focused on moslem apparel, get in love with tye die motive, and publish her style hijab (hijab with pin at chick-side not at under-chin). Her style influence all moslem women style in Indonesia and others.
This Photo was posted at
She has fashion label DIAN PELANGI (DP) for continue hers family bussiness, she got married at 20th at 2011. She has a lot of achievement in fashion, she has opportunity for international label in Indonesia fashion week 2013, hers theme is SAVANA TROOPS.
Indonesia Fashion week 2013 |
This time, hers inspiration is from Africa, their colors was domination with desert colors, like nude color, orange, and etc. Thats different with hers theme last year. Hers theme last year is from Rusia, RUSSKAYA RADUGA.
Jakarta Fashion Week 2012 |
Their color domination is blue cobalt, white, green, and etc. She is not only focus from Middle east style like other moslem fashin designer. She is truly different. She got tagline for making Indonesia become Moslem Fashion Leader in 2020.
*From many source (You tube, Dian Pelangi blog, and many more).